Halv Ton


Turnstile, bone china, paper, wire •

Turnstile is one of several series of tiles whose linear, planar, or volumetric form emerges or extends from the wall. In Turnstile, the tiles turn perpendicular to the wall. They peel up from the wall to reveal a stratum of paper & a space between. I turn the tiles to emphasize the ceramic & paper strata, their thinness compared to their breadth, & the appearance of one as the shadow of the other.

About the group exhibition: The six artists represented in Halv Ton have worked on Bornholm since the beginning of September, in residence with European Ceramic Context, supported by many sponsors especially the Bornholms Regionskommune. They are Alice Walton (England), Pauliina Pöllänen (Norway), Brian Molanphy (USA), Timi Lantos (Hungary), Laura Garbers (Germany), & Andrew Deem (USA). Though each artist works independently on individual projects, one element that brings them together is the amount of raw material they were offered: a half ton of clay.

Seks kunstnere har arbejdet på Bornholm siden begyndelsen af september i forbindelse med European Ceramic Context 2014. Selv om de alle har arbejdet individuelt på egne projekter, er der ét element, der har været gennemgående: Mængden af råmateriale – et halvt ton ler. Nu viser de seks kunstnere, hvad de har skabt her på øen. Der er fernisering fredag den 10. oktober, og udstillingen kan herefter ses lørdag og søndag den 11.-12. oktober i tidsrummet 12-16. De seks kunstnere er: Alice Walton (England), Pauliina Pöllänen (Norge), Brian Molanphy (USA), Timi Lantos (Ungarn), Laura Garbers (Tyskland) og Andrew Deem (USA).

2014, R2 Galleri, Svaneke, Denmark